You may know Ryan Prior, an ME / CFS patient in Atlanta who become sick while in school. You may know he wrote about his experiences in USA Today. You may know he and Nicole Castillo worked hard to create a documentary about the disease: “Forgotten Plague.” You may know that the documentary includes our ME / CFS Scientific Advisory Board director Ron Davis, PhD, his wife and daughter, and his very sick son, Whitney Dafoe. You may know the documentary has had some limited showings since production completed. You may know the documentary combines patient experiences, problems because of past government neglect, and the groundbreaking science that is creating hope. You may know that a press release came out this week, announcing the documentary is now available on DVD, iTunes, Google Play, and Amazon Instant Video.
But did you know that our executive director, Linda Tannenbaum, played a role in helping the documentary be created?
No massive project like this can be accomplished without support. Linda was eager to help. She served on the board of the Blue Ribbon Foundation, the nonprofit behind the documentary. And she is a senior producer of the film.
This reflects a new collaboration among advocates, charities, and researchers and medical doctors and, now, the federal government, all of us contributing to recent and future progress toward Ending ME / CFS.