In-Depth Report Reveals Numerous Flaws in CBT and GET Study

David-TullerThe results of the PACE Study were greatly anticipated. But according to an in-depth report, the expectations and hype do not match the actual results data.

David Tuller, an accomplished national journalist, now Berkley University professor, worked for months to find solid basis for the study authors’ claims that cognitive behavior therapy and grade exercise therapy cured some of the study participants, but instead he reports finding numerous flaws.

Read the reports here:


As many will expect, our ME / CFS Scientific Advisory Board director, Ronald W. Davis, PhD, is quoted as an expert in the articles. As Davis said, many are now surprised that the study passed the peer review process because Tuller clearly exposed the many anomalies.

Patients know the “illness beliefs” hypothesis behind this study was flawed because there is much evidence of neuro-inflammation. While some changes in daily activity may reduce exacerbation, as is shown in Betsy Keller’s recent Avoiding a Flare Presentation explains, the cure will come from repairing the biological damage. This is why our End ME / CFS Project is focused on finding biomarkers and then treatments that improve biological functioning.

We at Open Medicine Foundation want to thank David Tuller for putting in so much time into what is truly a public service. His fact-based approach and journalism style adds much credibility to the issue. And we want to thank the Virology Blog for giving a platform for Tuller’s article to be published.

Myalgic Encephalomyelitis / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME / CFS) Post Treatment Lyme Disease Syndrome (PTLDS), Fibromyalgia Leading Research. Delivering Hope.Open Medicine Foundation®

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